Saturday, December 4, 2010


   So first of all, an apology. I'm sooo sorry but I've just had so much stuff going on right now. School exams, family stuff and more but I'm back now.

   So first of all, OS. I've gone from the Debian  beta distro back to Fedora 13.
Learning about networking and stuff like that at the minute and I finally made a start on image programming with C++ using SDL. LazyFoo is the best resource going for learning SDL in my opinion!

   Making a Perl IRC bot for part of a competition *spoiler!!!* but I can't really say anything about that at the moment... Needless to say, it's something you'll hear more about in the future!

   I've also started on some free-lance work using vWorker. Seems good but I don't like having to under-bid on everything to gain some rep...

   Anyways, I have a few ideas coming up for the future. It involves  bit of game programming with C++ and SDL, a bit of AI in Perl *spoiler!!!* and who knows what else ;P

   I'll be back soon!

1 comment:

  1. dude, why don't you become an affiliate and post the affiliate link instead of the normal one. It earns you money.
